Monday, August 9, 2010

My new hamster has a goopy eye! What is wrong?!?

It is a baby panda hamster. I notice it after it wakes up because she doesn't open her eye for a few minutes after she wakes up. I've never had a hamster before and I'm worried. Please tell me what is wrong and how to cure it.

My new hamster has a goopy eye! What is wrong?!?systemworks

poor hamster might have a cold or an eye infection.It reveals the hamster is sick,but what who knows,you could keep an eye on it and if it gets worse take it to vet if you can.Dont wipe it away may be better to let it dry up.

My new hamster has a goopy eye! What is wrong?!?windows

go to walmart and get a bag of boric acid($4), most likely its clogged tear ducts and will entually become infected without cleaning. mix a tiny amount in water and rinse its eyes with it or put it on a rag (the water solution) and wipe eyes. we have used this method for years for kittens etc. my grandmother used to wash my eyes with it when i was a child.
Is is a yellow like goo that sometimes makes it eyes stick shut? When my cat had this I called the vet and the nurse told me what to do. Dissolve salt in warm water and clean out the eye with the solution three times a day. I used clean cotton wool each time and I never dipped the used cotton wool back in the container so it was always clean and i could use it next time. To be on the safe side you could call the vet and speak to someone there.
You need to go to the vet RIGHT AWAY!!!! this means that your pet could have a simple cold or a very bad illness!!!! Wait one or two days and see if it goes away but then make sure that are going to watch out for her all the time, hope this helps!!!!
My hamster also sometimes takes a few minutes to open his eyes fully when he first wakes up so try not to worry to much.

If she has a runny, weepy eye she could be having a reaction to the wood chip/sawdust you are using as the fine dust particals can be very sensitive to a small hamsters eye, so if this is what your using switch to a product called carefresh bedding.

Of course the most sensible thing is to get her checked over by a vet, who can give you the correct diagnosis and the right treatment if needed.

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