Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In 1996 two giant pandas ';got togather'; What were their names and in which location?

ie names and place

In 1996 two giant pandas ''got togather'' What were their names and in which location?aurora

It was ''Doomie'' and ''Nasty''.

The location was in Nasty's ********.

It was quite a panda-moanie-yum!

In 1996 two giant pandas ''got togather'' What were their names and in which location?download

an-an and chi-chi. Don't know where

it was though

The oracle aka him indoors says it was Bejing

China loaned Bai Yun %26 Shi Shi to the San Diego Zoo in 1996, San Diego, California.

Have a good night. :0)
not sure was it ping ping and ming ming, from china, maybe that was before 1996.??

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