Friday, August 20, 2010

Questions about my 5 gallon tank?

I got a five gallon tank for Christmas, and I filled it with fish yesterday. Unfortunately I trusted the worker at the pet store (something I'll never do again, and shouldn't have done in the first place I later found out). My fish always fight, since two of them are barbs and the pet store worker told me they were all compatible. Also, apparently my tank is slightly overcrowded (6 small fish). The only two fish I want to keep are a Panda catfish and a pink spotted Molly. The rest I'll take back to the store.

My questions: do Mollies live well on their own, or do they need more of their kind? If they do need others, do two mollies do well in a 5 gallon tank with a small catfish? Does it have to be the exact same kind of molly? Or is it reasonable to have one molly and one catfish? Or perhaps a Platy? Thanks for any help!

Questions about my 5 gallon tank?spyware

Don't feel bad about trusting the petstore guy... how were you supposed to know he's full of BS? You'd think you could trust the people who sell you the fish :S

Unfortunately, though, NONE of the fish you mentioned will be able to live and thrive in a 5 gallon tank.

Mollies get to be 4 inches long, and they like to be in groups. Even if you go by the grossly misleading inch per gallon rule - once you factor in for gravel and decor, one molly will barely fit in your tank.

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