I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 tetra (pristella and neon) and 6 cory catfish (4 peppered and 2 pandas). I was wondering if anyone knows if I need an airstone in this tank. I have a large airstone in my 30 gallon for the two goldfish in there but was not sure that this tank needed one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Airstone Needed? 20 gal tank with tetras and cory cats?vincent
an airstone really is not beneficial as far as adding additional oxygen to the tank. Because the oxygen is encompassed in those bubbles that rise to the surface, when the bubble pops, out goes all of the oxygen directly out of the water and it never actually gets dispersed into the water. This is why good filtration is much better for oxygenating the water. It moves the water and churns the oxygen through the water instead of creating oxygen pockets/bubbles. So, the bubbler is fun for the fish to play in and is fun for us to watch, but is pretty much worthless for adding more oxygen into the water.
Airstone Needed? 20 gal tank with tetras and cory cats?adware remover
if you have a filter running no u dont because the the movement of water gives air
Yes, use an air stone. But, becareful they have been known to defuse air supply(remove air from water). I have only used air tubes or air line in my 75 gallon. (warning) " Be very careful with neon tetra and any type of catfish". If the catfish can get the neon tetra in it's mouth it will eat it!!!!!! Any type of catfish likes live food. So just watch the tank very carefully.
Probably not. The only water breathers are the tetras. the filter and water changes will oxygenate the water enough for those four.
The corys breathe from the air.
I'd get one, just so that if you add other fish later, you'll be prepared.
Also the first poster is wrong, your catfish will NOT eat your tetras!
They eat detritis, and leftover food at the bottom of the tank.
They are definitely NOT aggressive!
you will only need an airstone if you don't have a filter on your tank
If you do have a filter, you can add an aristone as an additional oxygen source, but you don't have to
Hope that helps
Good luck
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